Schedule of Courses and Pricing,
(conducted in Houston or at your location worldwide)
Five Day (40 hour) Trainer Course. This is our
premier course
and includes the STI TRAINER certificate and trainer materials
including videos & PDF slide presentation on a USB Flash Drive, Instructor
Guide, and 340 page manual. Upon completion, the attendee is
authorized to conduct training per STI protocols and issue
certificates. It consists of five daily modules. Price $1250.00
Module One is basic Competent Person training
including overview of the 25 types of scaffolds in the OSHA
regulations, and coverage of the OSHA requirements. It also
covers recommended assembly procedures. It is primarily
classroom with walk by discussion of actual scaffold displays.
The course agenda follows the manual including step by step
assembly instructions and inspection checklists.
Module Two consists of practical hands-on erection
and dismantling of several types of basic frame, tube & coupler,
and "system" scaffolds.
Module Three covers scaffold design & loading,
including how to determine what size scaffold is needed, how to
do scaffold drawings, how to calculate the scaffold material
required, and how to calculate the weights on the scaffold
planks, bearers, couplers, and posts (leg load). It also covers
typical manufacturers allowable loading.
Module Four covers powered suspended scaffolds.
Topics included are single and two point suspended scaffold
(e.g. Spider, swing stage, etc.), rigging equipment,
counterweight formula, and related topics. Course includes PDF
copies of several different manufacturers' brochures, and
hands-on training.
Module Five is advanced hands on including
assembly of underhung (hanging) tube & coupler, cantilevering
(knee out), frame scaffolds with putlog trusses and stairways.
2. Four Day Trainer Course.
This course is the same as the Five Day Trainer course without
the fifth day (Module Five, Advanced Hands on). If the
attendee will not be teaching Module Five topics such as
assembly of underhung (hanging) scaffolds, cantilevers, trusses,
and stairways, then this course could be a good fit. Price: $1000.00
Three Day Trainer Course. This is our most
basic Trainer course and covers Modules One, Two, and Three.
It does not include Modules Four or Five. The course includes the STI Trainer certificate and trainer materials including
videos & PDF slide presentation on a USB Flash Drive, and Instructor Guide, and 340
page manual. Materials available in English or Spanish. Price:
$750.00. The course consists of three one day modules.
Module One is basic Competent Person training including
overview of the 25 types of scaffolds in the OSHA regulations,
and coverage of the OSHA requirements. It also covers
recommended assembly procedures. It is primarily classroom with
walk by discussion of actual scaffold displays. The course
agenda follows the manual including step by step assembly
instructions and inspection checklists. This first module is
excellent for Competent Inspectors. It is the prerequisite for
all other modules.
Module Two consists of practical hands-on erection and
dismantling of several types of of frame, tube & coupler, and
"system" scaffolds.
Module Three covers scaffold design & loading, including
how to determine what size scaffold is needed, how to do
scaffold drawings, how to calculate the scaffold material
required, and how to calculate the weights on the scaffold
planks, bearers, couplers, and posts (leg load). It also covers
typical manufacturers allowable loading. This course does not
include Module Four powered suspended scaffolds or Module Five
advanced hands on. If
the attendee will not be teaching Module Five topics such as
assembly of underhung (hanging) scaffolds, cantilevers, trusses,
and stairways, or Module Four topics such as powered suspended
scaffolds, then this course could be a good fit. Price:
Note for all
Trainer courses: In order to issue STI certificates, the
Trainer must attend one of the Trainer courses above, and
conduct training in accordance with STI protocol using STI
materials. The Competent Person Training Manual is currently $45.00
each, the bilingual English/Spanish version is $60 each. The User only manual is $15.00., and the Spanish version is
also $15
STI recommends the Five Day Trainer Course.
Even more advanced custom training courses up to 80 hours have been
conducted and may be arranged at the client's location.
See Item 12 below.
Module One: Module One is basic Competent Person
(Inspection Only) training for frame, tube & coupler, and
"system" type scaffolds. Topics include detailed coverage of the
OSHA scaffold regulations, as well as recommended assembly
procedures. It is primarily classroom with walk by discussion of
actual scaffold displays. The price includes a 340 page manual
with step by step assembly instructions and inspection
checklists. This first module by itself is excellent for
Competent Inspectors Only. Module One is the prerequisite for
all other modules. Price: $150.00 per person. 5.
Module Two: Module Two consists of Practical
Hands-On Erection and dismantling of several types of basic (one
- two level) frame, tube & coupler, and "system" scaffolds.
Pre-requisite: Module One. Recommended for anyone who will be
erecting, dismantling, or modifying scaffolds. When this module
is conducted on site at the clients location, it may be expanded
to multiple days if required. Price: $150.00 per person. 6.
Module Three: Module Three covers scaffold Design
& Loading, including how to determine what size scaffold is
needed, how to do scaffold drawings, how to calculate the
scaffold material required, and how to calculate the weights on
the scaffold planks, bearers, couplers, and posts (leg loads).
It also covers typical manufacturers allowable loading.
Pre-requisite: Module One. Price $150.00 per person. 7.
Module Four: Module Four covers powered
Suspended Scaffolds. Topics included are single and two point
suspended scaffolds (e.g. Spider, swing stage, etc.), rigging
equipment, counterweight formula, and related topics. Course
includes PDF copies of several different manufacturers'
brochures, and hands-on training. Price $250.00 per person. 8.
Module Five: Module Five is a day of advanced
hands on including assembly of underhung (hanging) tube &
coupler, cantilevered (knee outs), and frame scaffolds with
putlog trusses and stairways. Pre-requisite: Module One & Two.
Price $150.00 per person. 9.
Module Six: Module Six is User only training. All
scaffold users must be trained in the hazards associated with
scaffold use as per 1926.454(a). Course length one half day.
($75) Note: this course does not cover the topics necessary to
conduct the workshift inspection.
10. On-Site Training: All
of the above courses may be conducted at your location, anywhere
in the world. The above courses can be customized in length and
content to fit your site specific needs, for the type and size
of scaffold which you use. For example, if the client only needs
system scaffold training, the course can be tailored for system
scaffold. Or if more than one day of practical hands-on is
required, that can be done. STI has been conducting professional
scaffold training for over 20 years, including all 50 states,
the Caribbean, China, Africa, and the Middle East. Call us for
discussion of course customization, pricing, or other questions.
11. Spanish Training:
Courses may be conducted in Spanish by a bilingual instructor,
and using the dual language manual. See schedule below or call
for customized course and price. Training materials are
available in Spanish.
12. 80 Hour (Two Week) Course:
This course consists of our regular 40 hour
course and an additional 40 hours of practical hands on training on site at the
clients location. The attendees will be erecting actual
working scaffolds needed at the client's plant under the
supervision of our instructor.
13. Refresher Training: Retraining is recommended every five years.
1. An individual may purchase the materials only for the
Trainer course (without taking the course) for $1000. This includes all Trainer
materials for both the Competent Person and the User only courses
(Videos & PDF slide presentation on a USB Flash Drive, manuals and guides).
However, without attending the course, the individual would not
be certified to issue STI certificates.
For Director CV:
Training Institute - Instructor Qualifications

January 2025-June 2025
(Class Times: 8am-5pm)
January 2025 |
January 3 |
Friday |
Module One, Basic "Competent
Person" Inspection (1 day) $150 |
January 10 |
Friday |
Module One, Basic "Competent
Person" Inspection (1 day) $150 |
Jan. 13-15 |
Mon.-Wed. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-3 $750 |
Jan. 13-16 |
Mon.-Thurs. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-4 $1000 |
Jan. 13-17 |
Mon.-Fri. |
Five Day Trainer
Course, Modules 1-5, (our recommendation) $1250
January 24 |
Friday |
Module One, Basic "Competent
Person" Inspection (1 day) $150 |
Jan. 27-29 |
Mon.-Wed. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-3 $750 |
Jan. 27-30 |
Mon.-Thurs. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-4 $1000 |
Jan. 27-31 |
Mon.-Fri. |
Five Day Trainer
Course, Modules 1-5, (our recommendation) $1250
February 2025 |
February 7 |
Friday |
Module One, Basic "Competent
Person" Inspection (1 day) $150 |
Feb. 10-12 |
Mon.-Wed. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-3 $750 |
Feb. 10-13 |
Mon.-Thurs. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-4 $1000 |
Feb. 10-14 |
Mon.-Fri. |
Five Day Trainer
Course, Modules 1-5, (our recommendation) $1250
February 21 |
Friday |
Module One, Basic "Competent
Person" Inspection (1 day) $150 |
Feb. 24-26 |
Mon.-Wed. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-3 $750 |
Feb. 24-27 |
Mon.-Thurs. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-4 $1000 |
Feb. 24-28 |
Mon.-Fri. |
Five Day Trainer
Course, Modules 1-5, (our recommendation) $1250
March 2025 |
March 7 |
Friday |
Module One, Basic "Competent
Person" Inspection (1 day) $150 |
March 10-12 |
Mon.-Wed. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-3 $750 |
March 10-13 |
Mon.-Thurs. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-4 $1000 |
March 10-14 |
Mon.-Fri. |
Five Day Trainer
Course, Modules 1-5, (our recommendation) $1250
March 21 |
Friday |
Module One, Basic "Competent
Person" Inspection (1 day) $150 |
March 24-26 |
Mon.-Wed. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-3 $750 |
March 24-27 |
Mon.-Thurs. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-4 $1000 |
March 24-28 |
Mon.-Fri. |
Five Day Trainer
Course, Modules 1-5, (our recommendation) $1250
April 2025 |
April 4 |
Friday |
Module One, Basic "Competent
Person" Inspection (1 day) $150 |
April 7-9 |
Mon.-Wed. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-3 $750 |
April 7-10 |
Mon.-Thurs. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-4 $1000 |
April 7-11 |
Mon.-Fri. |
Five Day Trainer
Course, Modules 1-5, (our recommendation) $1250
April 18 |
Friday |
Module One, Basic "Competent
Person" Inspection (1 day) $150 |
April 21-23 |
Mon.-Wed. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-3 $750 |
April 21-24 |
Mon.-Thurs. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-4 $1000 |
April 21-25 |
Mon.-Fri. |
Five Day Trainer
Course, Modules 1-5, (our recommendation) $1250
May 2025 |
May 2 |
Friday |
Module One, Basic "Competent
Person" Inspection (1 day) $150 |
May 5-7 |
Mon.-Wed. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-3 $750 |
May 5-8 |
Mon.-Thurs. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-4 $1000 |
May 5-9 |
Mon.-Fri. |
Five Day Trainer
Course, Modules 1-5, (our recommendation) $1250
May 16 |
Friday |
Module One, Basic "Competent
Person" Inspection (1 day) $150 |
May 19-21 |
Mon.-Wed. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-3 $750 |
May 19-22 |
Mon.-Thurs. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-4 $1000 |
May 19-23 |
Mon.-Fri. |
Five Day Trainer
Course, Modules 1-5, (our recommendation) $1250
May 30 |
Friday |
Module One, Basic "Competent
Person" Inspection (1 day) $150 |
June 2025 |
June 2-4 |
Mon.-Wed. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-3 $750 |
June 2-5 |
Mon.-Thurs. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-4 $1000 |
June 2-6 |
Mon.-Fri. |
Five Day Trainer
Course, Modules 1-5, (our recommendation) $1250
June 13 |
Friday |
Module One, Basic "Competent
Person" Inspection (1 day) $150 |
June 16-18 |
Mon.-Wed. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-3 $750 |
June 16-19 |
Mon.-Thurs. |
Day Trainer Course Modules 1-4 $1000 |
June 16-20 |
Mon.-Fri. |
Five Day Trainer
Course, Modules 1-5, (our recommendation) $1250
June 27 |
Friday |
Module One, Basic "Competent
Person" Inspection (1 day) $150 |


311 East Walker Street, League City, TX 77573
Tel 281-332-1613
(email to
Note: Payment prior to start of class is required, see below
(All Class Times 8AM-5PM)
PAYMENT INFORMATION (Payment in advance
expected unless special arrangement are made):
WILL BRING CHECK: __________
CREDIT CARD# & Exp. date. (or call us with CC number)
Will call prior to class to request
special payment arrangements:___________________
Names of Attendee(s) for MODULE ONE "COMPETENT PERSON
One day: ($150.00 each)
Names of Attendee(s) for THREE DAY TRAINER
(Modules 1-3) $750.00
Names of Attendee(s) for FOUR DAY TRAINER
(Modules 1-4) $1000.00 each
Names Attendee(s) for FIVE DAY TRAINER COURSE
(Modules 1-5) $1250.00
Number of Additional Manuals for Trainers
($45 each): ______________
CONVENIENCE: email to deborah@scaffoldtraining.com
Click Here to Print Registration Form Only:
Scaffold Training Institute - Registration Form or email
deborah@scaffoldtraining.com for fillable PDF.
Directions, Hotels, and other information Below
(Tel: 281-332-1613)
Class Times:
8:00 AM-5:00 PM)
(No flights should be made prior
to 7:30pm on the last day of class)
From Hobby & Bush Intercontinental Airport
or downtown Houston:
(Approx. 1 hour from Bush & approx.
25 minutes
from Hobby)
Go to Highway 45, and head South. League City is approx 20 miles south
of downtown. Exit League City (FM 518), turn left (East).
Go East about 1.2 miles to Highway 3. Turn right
(South) two block to next red light which is Walker. Turn left,
(East) proceed two blocks, to 311 E Walker (beside RR tracks).
From Clear Lake area:
Take Hwy 3 South to League City. Cross FM
518 (Main Street). Continue two blocks to next red light which is
Walker. Turn left, (East) proceed two blocks, to 311 E Walker
(beside RR tracks).
From Laporte/Baytown:
Take Hwy 146 South (Baytown Exit). Continue South
to Kemah
Turn right onto FM 2094 South of Kemah Bridge,
continue west until road turns into FM 518. Continue west FM 518 to Park
Ave. Turn left at Park Ave. (just before railroad tracks-do not cross
tracks.) Go south two blocks on Park Ave to stop sign at Walker. Turn to
right across tracks, we are beside the tracks on Walker.
From I-10 East of Houston (Beaumont, Lake
Charles, etc.)
I-10 toward Houston to Beltway 8 (aka Sam Houston
Tollway), go south.
Continue on Beltway 8 South to I-45 South.
Exit League City (FM 518, turn left (East). Go
East about 1.2 miles to Highway 3. Turn right (South) two block to next
red light which is Walker Street. Turn left, (East) proceed two blocks,
to 311 E Walker (beside RR tracks).
From I-10 West or Hwy 290 West of Houston:
Take I-10 or Hwy 290 to Beltway 8 South (aka Sam
Houston Tollway), to Hwy 45 South. Exit League City (FM 518), turn left
(East). Go East about 1.2 miles to Highway 3. Turn right (South) two
block to next red light which is Walker. Turn left, (East) proceed
two blocks, to 311 E Walker (beside RR tracks).
Local Hotels with Special Rates:
Hampton Inn-League City: 281-614-5437x2, Candlewood Suites:
281-534-9848, Fairfield Inn & Suites: 281-967-8490, SpringHill Suites by Marriott: 281-332-2999, Hampton
Inn-Clear Lake/NASA: 281-332-7952, Holiday Inn Express & Suites-Webster:
281-316-9750, Staybridge Suites: 281-338-0900, Homewood Suites:
281-486-7677, stayAPT Suites:
281-971-1145, Super 8 by Wyndham Webster NASA: 281-336-0841, Sonesta
Simply Suites Houston NASA Clear Lake: 281-461-3060, SpringHill Suites
Seabrook 281-474-3456,
Other Local Hotels: Kemah
Boardwalk Inn: 281-334-9880 , Hilton on Clear Lake: 281-333-9300 , South
Shore Harbour Resort: 281-334-1000, , Home2Suites: 281-672-7200, Courtyard by
Marriott-NASA/Clear Lake: 281-333-0220, TownePlace Suites-Houston/Clear
Lake: 281-286-2132
For more directions & maps,
Frequently Asked Questions
course do we recommend?
The training should be appropriate to the type of scaffolds and scope of
work the attendee will be involved in. The five day course
(Modules 1-5) is our recommended course. For even more training,
the 80 hour course includes a week of working with the students at your
facility building real scaffolds in your environment for actual use. For those who need training
only in basic frame, tube & coupler, and system scaffolds, the three
day course (Modules 1-3) could be a good fit. For those who
need an overview of powered suspended scaffolds (Spider baskets swing
stage) in addition to basic frame, tube & coupler, and system
scaffolds, the Four Day course is a good fit.
What is
the minimum to cover the mandatory OSHA training requirements?
That depends upon the scope of work (e.g. inspection,
erection, or modification), and the types of scaffolds involved.
The training should be appropriate for the scope of work the attendee
will be involved in. The topics OSHA recommends in 1926.454
and Appendix D for frame, tube & coupler, and system are covered in
classroom fashion in module one. This course is the minimum for inspection of
scaffolds. Basic erection is covered in Module Two. For
those building larger scaffolds, the design and loading in Module Three
is recommended. More advanced assembly is covered in Module Five.
How much "hands-on" training is required by OSHA?
OSHA does not mandate a specific
number of hours. The hands on should be custom tailored for each company
according to the employees’ experience, types of scaffolds to be used,
and scope of anticipated work. The are 25 different types of scaffolds
covered by 1926.452, so the training should be specific to the type
used. For example, one employer might have experienced workers who erect
only frame scaffolds up to two levels,
then call a scaffold company to erect larger scaffolds. The amount of
hands on training should reflect that limited scope. Another employer
might use all three types (frame, tube & clamp, and system) on
taller scaffolds. The
amount of hands on should then reflect that scope. Module Two
covers basic scaffolds up to two levels high. Module Five covers
more advanced assembly including hanging scaffolds, Knee outs, truss
installation and stairway installation. Our 80 hour course also
covers hands on assembly at the customer's location in real
applications. Call to discuss.
Can you send an
instructor to our site and conduct a custom course for our employees?
Yes, STI has been conducting training
all over the world for over 25 years. We can provide training
pretty much anywhere on planet earth.
What about
refresher training?
OSHA does not mandate a specific time
period but our recommendation is to be retrained every five years.
OSHA§ 1926.454 Training Requirements.
This section supplements and clarifies the requirements of §
1926.21(b)(2) as these relate to the hazards of work on scaffolds.
(a) The employer shall have each employee who performs work while on a
scaffold trained by a person qualified in the subject matter to
recognize the hazards associated with the type of scaffold being used
and to understand the procedures to control or minimize those hazards.
The training shall include the following areas, as applicable:
(1) The nature of any electrical hazards, fall hazards and falling
object hazards in the work area;
(2) The correct procedures for dealing with electrical hazards and for
erecting, maintaining, and disassembling the fall protection systems and
falling object protection systems being used;
(3) The proper use of the scaffold, and the proper handling of materials
on the scaffold;
(4) The maximum intended load and the load-carrying capacities of the
scaffolds used; and
(5) Any other pertinent requirements of this subpart.
(b) The employer shall have each employee who is involved in erecting,
disassembling, moving, operating, repairing, maintaining, or inspecting
a scaffold trained by a competent person to recognize any hazards
associated with the work in question. The training shall include the
following topics, as applicable:
(1) The nature of scaffold hazards;
(2) The correct procedures for erecting, disassembling, moving,
operating, repairing, inspecting, and maintaining the type of scaffold
in question;
(3) The design criteria, maximum intended load-carrying capacity and
intended use of the scaffold;
(4) Any other pertinent requirements of this subpart.
(c) When the employer has reason to believe that an employee lacks the
skill or understanding needed for safe work involving the erection, use
or dismantling of scaffolds, the employer shall retrain each such
employee so that the requisite proficiency is regained. Retraining is
required in at least the following situations:
(1) Where changes at the worksite present a hazard about which an
employee has not been previously trained; or
(2) Where changes in the types of scaffolds, fall protection, falling
object protection, or other equipment present a hazard about which an
employee has not been previously trained; or
(3) Where inadequacies in an affected employee’s work involving
scaffolds indicate that the employee has not retained the requisite
League City, TX Local Area



Below Are Some Class Pictures:
February 2020 Trainer

January 2020 Trainer Class

June 2010 Trainer Class

May 2010 Trainer Class

April 2010 Trainer Class

March 2010 Trainer Class

February 2010 Trainer Class

December 2009 Trainer Class

October 2009 Trainer

August 2009 Trainer Class

June 2009 Trainer Class

May 2009 Class

April 2009 Trainer Class

March 2009 Trainer Class

Feb 2009 Trainer class

Jan 2009 Trainer Class

Dec 2008 Train The Trainer Class
The December students
below rebuilt the big tube & clamp scaffold after
Hurricane Ike had blown it over.

These December students below were
just hanging around (Joking). It is a good experience to feel the
suspension in a harness.
The swing stage allows a gradual lowering
until suspension is obtained without impact.

November 2008 Train The
Trainer Class (At Southshore Hotel)
Below: August 2008 Trainer Class

Below: June 2008 Trainer Class

Below: Erection of
simulated underhung scaffold suspended from I Beams

Below: Training At Arctic
Ocean, Ocean, Prudhoe Bay, AK Trainer Sept.

Below: Suspended Scaffold Training

John at Brookhaven National Laboratory
September 2009

John Palmer at Great Wall, Training in China for BP, ConocoPhillips

Below: John Palmer & Class at Burg Dubai Site, Dubai, UAE

Below: John Palmer in Saudi Arabia

Below: John Palmer with scaffold class in India

John Palmer with scaffold class in Kuwait at ISCO for KNPC

Below: John Palmer with scaffold
class in Africa for Marathon

Below: John Palmer with scaffold
class in Mexico for Dupont

Below: John Palmer with scaffold class
for AG&P in The Philippines

Below: John Palmer with scaffold class In Jamaica

Below: John Palmer on Arctic Ocean

Below: John conducting scaffold class at Hydro
Plant in Washington

Below: John Palmer conducting training at NASA

Below: John Palmer conducting training in Valdez, AK.

For questions or comments, please contact Scaffold
Training Institute at
Scaffold Training Institute
311 East Walker
League City, Texas 77573
Voice: 281-332-1613